Preventive Exams

Diagnostic Exams

HeartSavers™ CT 64 scanning is quick, non-invasive and provides very
crucial early detection. There’s no excuse for not going to
HeartSavers. Many people believe I’ve made a career out of taking
risks. Not when it comes to my personal health. That’s why I made a
point of going to HeartSavers’ Irvine location for a body scan. They
have a first-class facility, the most advanced scanning technology
available and a board-certified physician on staff who immediately
discusses the test results with you. In today’s society, many
life-threatening medical problems can be treated. If you love your
family or even if you just love yourself, there’s no excuse for not
going to HeartSavers. When it comes to your health, it doesn’t make
sense to take risks.
– Mr. Lee Iacocca, Former Chrysler Chairman
During the scan I found that my heart was fine, but I had an
endocarcenoma of the right lower lobe of my right lung. Because this
was discovered at a very early stage, I was able to undergo surgery
and removal of that lobe. The cardiologists at HeartSavers are very
knowledgeable. They’re some of the finest medical doctors I’ve ever
met in my life. I have six kids and six grandchildren. They’re happy
Grandpa had the CT 64 scan, and so is Grandpa. HeartSavers saved my
– Jack Badorek, Chiropractor
When the doctor went over my CT 64 test results, he said I had a
blockage in one of my arteries. So I changed my diet; I lost over 20
pounds. It gave me a new lease on life. I just want to tell everyone
that they should do this. I don’t care what you’re doing … you can
allow yourself that few minutes to find out where your life is.
– Ms. Jessie Lovelady, KRLA Radio Personality
Heart trouble and colon trouble both ran in my family, so I opted
for the combination full body scan and the colonoscopy. I received
peace of mind for both heart and colon.
– Mr. Ernie Fallico, Orthodontist
Over the past 15 years, our office has offered the most
comprehensive executive physical examination available. During that
time, we’ve worked with almost every scanning facility in Orange
County, Calif. When we integrated the full body scan into our
platinum health examination at the preventive healthcare medical
center, I chose HeartSavers.
– James C. Lindberg, M.D., Medical Director of Preventive Healthcare
Medical Center in Irvine
Came in for a Body Scan / Virtual Colonoscopy @ HeartSavers and his
results showed significant calcification in his coronary arteries.
After consultation (he was interested in further investigating his
situation non-invasively) it was recommended that he have an CT
Angiography (CTA, non-invasive Angiogram) so we could check his
arteries for any blockage in the areas that the procedure covered.
Upon review, Dr. Alimadadian saw significant blockage in multiple
areas of Dr. Follico’s arteries. This warranted a traditional
angiogram which confirmed that he did indeed have significant
blockage that needed multiple bypass surgery.
Dr. Follico had quadruple bypass and is doing great. It is highly
likely that if he were not to have a scan, that, given his highly
calcified Coronary arteries, that Dr. Follico could have had a
disasterous heart attack at any given time in the near future.
- Ernie Follico M.D.
Mr. Collins came to HeartSavers for a Heart Scan in 2000. He had a
low calcium score and therefore low probability of a Cardiac
incident.Had a heart attack in Jan 2002.
His insurance and his Dr.’s didn’t recommend an Angiogram.We
mentioned to him that it would most likely be worthwhile.He felt the
same way afterwards and came in for an CTA(CT Angiography) and his
results showed significant blockage.
He then had a traditional Angiogram and received 3 stents. If not
for his decision to have the CTA, he would have run the high risk of
having a heart attack in the relatively near future.
- Paul Collins |