Preventive Exams

Diagnostic Exams


Dr. Matthew J. Budoff, M.D.
Associate Professor, UCLA
School of Medicine
Medical Director, Heart Savers
Board Member of
Matthew J. Budoff, M.D., FACC is a co-founder of Heart Savers,
its National Medical Director since 1999, Chairman of the Advisory Board for Polaris Medical Academy. Dr.
Budoff is the chief instructor for physicians worldwide for the
interpretation of EBT scans. He is also the founding member and
treasurer of United States Society of Arteriosclerosis Imaging and
Chairman of EBT users Committee. He is currently the Associate
Professor of Cardiology at Harbor-UCLA Medical Center, where he has
been an Attending Physician since 1993. Additionally, Dr. Budoff is
the Chairman of the American Heart Association (AHA) Scientific
Statement on CT / EBTT.
In 1990, Dr. Budoff graduated from George Washington
University School of Medicine with honors and completed his training
in internal medicine and cardiology at Harbor-UCLA School of
Medicine. Dr. Budoff has lectured all over the world and received
many honors, awards, numerous grants and fellowships. He is a board
certified cardiologist that has published over forty papers in
prestigious medical journals on Electron Beam Tomography and is
highly regarded by his fellow physicians as a world class